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Tech Team

Arjun Patel

Project Manager

Arjun is in his second year studying Economics. He has previously worked as a Lighting Designer and Programmer on the UMMTS productions of 'Dogfight' and 'Sweeney Todd', as well as on the MMR production of 'Losing the Plot'. He recently spent three weeks rigging and lighting a variety of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Jay Brown

Head of Audio

Jay is excited to be Head of Audio in this year’s production of 'Bonnie and Clyde'. Jay has previously run audio for ‘Spring Awakening’, ‘Losing the Plot’ and ‘Dogfight’ as well as project managing ‘Sweeney Todd’.

Will Clark-Steel

Lighting Programmer

Will is a second year Electronic Engineering students who is very excited to be designing lights for 'Bonnie and Clyde'. Although this is Will's first time designing lights, he has previously supported sound for UMMTS productions of 'Dogfight' and 'Sweeney Todd'. When he isn't working with MUTTS or Engineering he is station manager of Fuse FM.

Sam Jackson

Lighting Supervisor

Louie Harris

Monitor Engineer

Amelie Coy

Microphone Technician

Marcus Renshaw

Music Technician

Luc Wright

Lighting Operator

Rachel Crane

Audiovisual Operator


George Wilson, Sam Brookes, David Ferro, Reuben Vasey-Saunders


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